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Team Communication

Players are asked to sign up for the REMIND app so they can stay up to date about schedules, team events, and other various softball information.

Sign up is simple and free just text @tartansof to 41010.


Caregivers are also welcome to join to app. 


Get ready for the season.

Get a Physical

  • Every player has to have a sports physical every 3 years. 

  • If your physical expires during the season you cannot register until it is renewed.

  • Turn in your completed from to the Tartan activities office​

  • July TCO-free physicals link:



  • Players will need to provide their own cleats, glove, bat,  black socks, and belt (if pants have belt loops)

  • Players have the option of providing their own black pants or borrowing a pair from the softball program. 

  • Tartan Softball provides a batting helmet, bag, Jersey and black pants.

  • ​


  • Per district policy students must be "on track to graduate".  

  • Coaches will be checking athletes' grades periodically throughout the season.

  • If a student is struggling academically coaches will work with the student to help get them back on track. 

  • Softball is an extra-curricular activity, academic performance is more important than softball participation.

Player & Parent handbook

Players and Parents are asked to review the handbook each season. 

It provides an aritculation of the Tartan High School Softball policies including but not limited to: team philosophies, playing time, transportation, lettering, etc. 


We will ask each player and parent to sign and acknowledgment from regarding these policies. This acknowledgement form must be handed in to the coaching staff before players are given a uniform.

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